Monday, March 31, 2008


Seeing as I am 23 years old as of right now and have spent half of my life or so exploring The Dreaming (as I affectionately refer to it) there is quite a bit of catching up to do.

The first lucid dream I ever remember having was in the backyard of the Bel Aire house, with the huge Cottonwood Tree in the back yard (both of these symbols frequent my dreams). I was playing outside when a large rupture appeared before me in the Earth, and what I perceived to be The Devil came out of it. I am probably 12 years old at the time and quite terrified of these immense demonic creature now staring me down, but a beam of light come from behind/above me and burns through him almost instantly- this same beam lifts me into the air and tells me I am a light princess (which I have always thought was actually a play on my actual name, which means "light") and gives me a sort of wand thingy that will keep me safe from this demon-being from now on.

That dream was fairly early in my life. When I was maybe 14 years old I remember having a dream that I was learning how to fly- I had to run and triple-jump like Mario in Mario 64 to take off. I also dreamed I was able to transform into a Sailormoon-like superhero (which I got a kick out of in Waking Life). It was at this time that my dreams began to chain together as if they were each different chapters in a story book. Every time I become lucid I am a character of sorts, and there is always a mission or something to be accomplished. Usually this consists of saving people from some sort of capture or torment. Throughout the course of my dreaming I've "learned" different abilities, such as the ability to breathe under water, to pass through solid objects and more recently to shoot beams of energy and use telekinesis on large objects. I remember distinctly in one dream that if I could prove to a dream rival that I could change water into ice that he would free a hostage, and without hesitation I placed my fingertips in a bowl of water and felt its molecules freeze and harden. The ability to fly in my dreams used to be the only factor tying them together, but soon it became apparent that I was truly writing/experiencing an actual storyline, complete with a general (if not changeable) plot and recurring characters. There are a few individuals whose faces are never clear but whose identities are very much familiar to me in The Dreaming.

One dream that has been in my thoughts recently is one that occurred perhaps 5 months ago; I am being held in a sort of garage by men with large guns and larger muscles- they are shouting orders in a language I don't recognize, but seeing as language is a complicated form of basic communication I understand intuitively what they are saying. They say that in the water glasses that are being handed to the prisoners (there are maybe two dozen of us) are pieces of fruit that are a code; strawberries die tomorrow, lemons die today. Mine has a lemon in it. When I hear what they are planning I clench my hands, tied behind my back. Knowing that I must act sooner than I hoped I phase through the binds and soar far past the open garage door and the trapped people, high into the air, where they cannot see me for being blinded by the sun. I am filled with the plasma-light-solar energy and blast back down at them, releasing a stream of specifically aimed plasma bursts towards the captors. Suddenly the captives are free from their binds and on their feet, shouting joyously.

Another dream, this one from last night: My comrades and I are digging underground, trying to evade the alarms and spotlights now sweeping the rocky walls surrounding the compound. My instincts tell me that they suspect we are coming, but we are ahead of them. Once in the interior of the research facility we part ways and go about sabotaging their computers, their files, their experiments. The people who have been trapped here for so long look wild-eyed, ravaged, fearful. Suddenly we are discovered, and we must fight for our lives, and for their freedom- but there is no challenge that we do not rise to meet, and soon the captives are filing out the doors and into precious sunlight, which some have not seen in years.